Custom Home Construction The Basics

Custom Home Construction – The Basics



It is still the American Dream to build his/her own home one day. In as much as the statistics dictate that buying a home is cheaper, building one lets you achieve the home of your dreams (one that has every room and accessories just the way you like them). Unless you are well-versed in current and ever changing building processes and techniques , which is highly doubtable, it is prudent to hire the services of a custom home designer who will guide you throughout the process. Nowadays such designers are part of custom home construction companies which have the necessary manpower, expertise, experience and equipment to see your home develop from the blueprint to the actual Home of your Dreams.


There are many aspects involved in building a custom home and it can all start by locating the lot which will support the home of your dreams. Some people first set out to look for a custom home designer to put on paper, AUTOCAD nowadays, a more formal and accurate representation of this Dream home that’s beendeveloping in your mind from all the magazines, books and internet research you’ve have been thinking about for so long. Your designer should be one who is well informed in many aspects as to help you realize a home that is not only the right size with the right look and feel but also providing all the comforts of home with energy-efficiency and affordablity . In the same way, your custom home construction

firm of choice should also have adequate expertise and experience in realizing your energy-efficient Dream home.

Further on lot selection, there are some factors to consider such as where you want the home to be located; is it near the town, secluded away, or in a gated community and so forth? Custom home construction consultants are well placed to have good knowledge of the land market. They can listen to your needs and offer leads on certain locations which will suit you. In such a process you need a consultant who listens to your needs rather than one who seems to impose on you certain lots because for all we know he or she could be earning a commission for fronting particular lots. As a custom home designer, he/she too should have the requisite knowledge and experience to advise you on all aspects of residential construction. The steps to building a home as earlier stated can be alternate. In the case where you have an independent custom home designer, then upon acquiring the blueprints and the land you will be faced with the task of selecting a custom home construction company. This is probably the most sensitive part of the building process – get a poor builder and the resultant home will be a mess. As such, a considerable amount of time should be set aside to research the market for a reliable builder. Past construction experience, insurance coverage, licensing information, terms and conditions, and references from friends and relatives, should all help you land a good custom home builder.

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