Why Pay Taxes? Read To Find Out!

By Seomul Evans

Foremost, the government does not owe you anything; it’s the other way around. Only few people enjoy paying taxes because only few understand the real meaning of taxes. Nowadays people try to escape from the legal responsibility of paying due taxes. But running wouldn’t help at all. In fact, it will only cause so much trouble, not only for you but to the society as well. You must certainly understand the why’s and where’s of your money when paying taxes.

Indeed nothing in our lives is free. The basic necessities are actually charged for consumption. Water, electricity and transportation are just few of the countless things that taxes are associated with. If you don’t drink water, watch television, or utilize public transportation then alright, you do not owe Uncle Sam anything.

We Pay Taxes Because

It is necessary to be governed by state administrators. The main reason why we pay taxes is to support the government for their existence. When you evade paying taxes, you are discreetly bringing down the city hall, hospitals, public schools, amusement parks, etc. In short, you are destroying the land of your own. Clearly speaking, it is not the government who is benefited by the taxes you pay; YOU are the beneficiary of your own taxes.


we want healthcare assistance when we get old. When we get older and become jobless, there is no way we could bring ourselves to the hospitals when need medical attention. Money generates everything. When you don’t pay taxes, there will be no public hospitals to assist your health needs.

we want our kids to obtain free education. You exactly know how expensive it is to send your kids to schools. Public schools are built to accommodate your children for free education. When you intentionally skip paying taxes, then it is likely that you don’t want your kids to be educated.

we need security in our own land. If you don’t pay taxes then don’t call 911 when you’re robbed. Don t seek for emergency help when your house is on fire. Remember, taxpayers pay to get the services of the policemen and firefighters in town.

we want to obtain the best things in life. Failure to pay taxes omits your privilege of enjoying public amenities around you. Public infrastructures like museums, parks, transportation facilities and more are constructed and maintained by the taxes you pay. Do not drive through the highway if you don’t pay taxes.

We are socially responsible. Imagine your community without public infrastructures, no hospitals, no schools, no amusement parks; you will barely see yourself standing in the middle of nowhere. The taxes you pay support all the sectors of the government and all the citizens of your community.

When you understand the real essence of paying taxes and become a diligent taxpayer, give yourself a tap in the back. You have grown to be a responsible citizen of the nation. Indeed the government is only managing all the collected finances in order provide the community a better place to live in. It is just righteous that you make a fair share to contribute to the development of your homeland. After all, Uncle Sam is always there to protect you in good faith.

About the Author: Seomul Evans is


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